Artificial Intelligence

How AI can be used in the instructional design process


AI can prove to be an invaluable tool when it comes to instructional design. AI provides higher-quality data that can be used for powerful analysis, allowing instructional designers to gain greater insight into the best ways to design learning experiences. AI also speeds up the process of instructional design by automating certain tasks, freeing up designers' time to focus on other areas. AI can also help develop more effective and efficient learning assessments that are tailored to individual needs. Finally, AI allows us to quickly and accurately evaluate how successful our instructional designs are so we can determine how effective they are in helping learners achieve desired outcomes. AI has thus become a critical part of the instructional design process, helping designers create more impactful learning experiences for their target audiences.

Audience: Instructional Designers and eLearning Specialists

Responsibilities: Instructional Design, eLearning Development, Visual Design, Text Generation

Tools Used: Jasper and Synthesia


After having learned about the usefulness of artificial intelligence (AI) in the instructional design process, I researched different websites that support the use of AI in content creation. I created a video about AI and instructional design using AI generated material. First, I created the text for the video with Jasper AI. Next, I designed and developed the video with Synthesia AI and imported the text from Jasper. Finally, the video was rendered, downloaded and shared.


Jasper AI creates text in many forms using AI technology. From summarizing to document writing, Jasper produces intelligent, easy to read text in seconds. I developed the text for the video by entering a prompt, key words, the selected language, and tone I wanted. Two separate paragraphs were generated for my choosing. I ended up using most of one and the last sentence of the other in the final product.


Synthesia AI is a site that creates videos with real people avatars in many different languages. The avatars come in different ethnicities, poses, dress, and voice styles. To start, I chose a template, the avatar, and friendly English. I then developed the video by importing the text from Jasper and splitting the sentences up among the slides. I had to adjust the animation, graphics, fonts, and transitions to create a pleasant flow throughout the video. After some iteration, I was ready to render the video and share it.

Results and Takeaways

The final product was a seamless video with a woman sharing the benefits of AI in the instructional design process. Furthermore, the feedback I received from other instructional designers was very positive.

When working with Jasper, I experimented with the translation aspect. With one click, I was able to translate the text to Mandarin. This would work well with Synthesia because it would be simple to replace the text with a different language. Synthesia automatically detects the language from the text, so a video could be created in multiple languages very easily.

Avatars in Synthesia can also be created to mimic any person. For example, a company’s CEO’s likeness could be used in trainings or to send messages. After the initial avatar was created, there would be no need to film videos of the CEO, which would save time.

In addition to Jasper and Synthesia, there are many other AI technologies that could greatly benefit instructional designers and learning specialists. For example, AI technology can generate art simply by typing in a description. Although the optimizations innovations are endless, ethical considerations need to be observed in order to make sure original artists and writers maintain control over their work.

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© Kelley Gaines 2022